Today is special
Today, i was overjoyed to find out that the teacher adviser of the photography club is absent!!(happy cuz she's A HAVOC)
Secondly, I was happy to find out that tommorow has no maths and addmaths (JUST malas to buat homework)
Thirdly, I stayed back in school and had a great time laughing at jokes (special thanks to jeremy and ka hing) p/s LOVE YOU LAH! *dun think the different way pulak lah!*
After painting some "stuff" XD We chatted and gossiped about some stuff. Soon after, everyone left. I ALSO LEAVE LAH! lawl~
Jeremy, ka hing, and me walked home.... sadly, ka hing is just walking with us just to chat and jeremy left us half way. Me and ka hing walked until i reached my house. It was so fun! we talked and talked and talked. but pity him have to walk all the way back to school.... SORRY YAH, KA HING!
Oh and here's a picture of my future a friend of mine sent me... lawl
I jadi drink pula... I know, it's lame XD
okay that's all I can afford to tell you...
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