Last night, my family and I decided to eat something economic instead.
We headed off to a restaurant near some low-cost flats figured it would be cheap and nice.
I would say the place looks unhygienic but I can't complain much.
We waited for half an hour for the food the arrive.
While waiting,
the waiter gave us spoons and chopsticks.
The utensils are oily as f**k !
Immediately, I felt repulsed.
When the food came (we ordered marmite pork rib, vegetable, fried noodle),
all was good
The taste was good
The amount was good
All was very good
the last pork rib I took has an extremely LONG hair in it (i'm fine with fine and short ones).
It's HYGIENE okay ! Let me spell that for you again, H-Y-G-I-E-N-E.
I did not see it at first and felt it on my tongue.
It was way beyond disgusting.
In short, I tasted the chef's hair. =.=
I immediately spit it out and stopped eating all together and swore not to go back there ever again.
I have been very patient about the utensils already and now they give me food with hair in it.
Then today,
I headed off to an economic rice shop for lunch.
An extremely long hair in between the vegetables.
Thank god I didn't taste this one lor.
God knows what it will taste like.
I pulled it out, threw it away and ate my food.
I'm hungry ! Don't blame me but i was uncomfortable !
I've tried not thinking about the hair but hell, if I ever get food poisoning from that strand of hair.
I'm gonna sue the shit out of them.
There goes for my rants.
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