I went for a midnight movie with Nicholas, Mun Fai, Ganesh, and Natasha. We decided to watch The Expendables 2.
Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone)
The Expendables are requested by Mr. Church to complete a fairly easy task of retrieving a box from a wrecked plane. This seemingly easy task has a catch and the Expendables are faced with Vilain. Things went terribly wrong and the Expendables are determined to seek revenge. While taking revenge, the expendables wrecked havoc, and stopped the transport of 5 tonnes of plutonium.
"Six pounds of pure plutonium is powerful enough to change the balance of the world. Imagine what five tons will do." - Vilain.
What I think :
What I would say about this movie is that it is never boring.
As compared to the first Expendables, this time's is less serious and cooler moves.
The first expendables disappointed me greatly. So I expected less of The Expendables 2.
Who would have known that the second one would be more fun, cooler and more mindblowing?
To be honest, I was looking forward to seeing Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone.
One even said to Arnold Schwarzanegger in the movie, "I'll terminate your ass".
Teeeheeee. <3 and="and" came="came" from="from" more="more" of="of" p="p" s="s" that="that" there="there" where="where">If you were to watch the movie and not laugh, I don't know what to say. D;
The appearance of Chuck Norris and Arnold Schwarzenegger (phew ! so long!) has definitely made the movie a better one.
This time's Expendables 2 also has better graphics with gorier looking "dead" people and blood effects.
Amazing stuff.
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