Met up with Keer Leet, Bell, and Rudy today to see Ker Leet before he leaves to Australia again.
Ate Sushi Zanmai
Watched Ice Age 4: Continental Drift.
Well, let's get to the main point here.
Ice Age 4 is a ridiculously hilarious movie fit for children, teens and adults.
To be honest, I did not expect much of Ice Age 4 because I did not quite enjoy Ice Age 3.
Watching it without expectations brought down my barrier and I laughed me ass off.
The movie just keeps you laughing at almost every scene possible.
It's never ending !
That 1 and a half hour felt extremely fast.
One scene that cracked me up so hard that I couldn't stop laughing. HEEEH
Diego: "I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't eat, I can't sleep..."
Manny: "Oh, I know what you've got. The L word."
Sid: "Yeah, leprosy."
Manny: "No, its four letters, starts with L -- ends with E..."
Sid: "Oh yeah, lice!"
Manny: "No!"
In fact, Manny was referring to Diego's feelings towards his new found "partner", Shira.
How could Sid be so clueless? hahaha.
After understanding what Diego is going through, Sid started teasing Diego.
Oh poor Diego. Haha
This is the scene when Sid is teasing Diego.
Instead of just laughters,
Ice Age 4 taught me an important lesson. Don't know about you guys but hey ! I believe it touched you somewhere.
Ice Age 4 taught me to be true to myself no matter what happens and others will naturally come to like you in the end.
Show your true colours and don't be afraid because you're special.
And those who appreciate and loves who you are, they're worth it.
Those who can't accept, let them go. (even if they hot/cool/good-looking)
it's just not worth all the effort to change yourself.
I give it an 9/10 stars. :D
about your lesson, goes both ways I guess. so then, if everyone is true to themselves and things don't go smoothly, does that mean they should let this chance of knowing each other better, go? I know we always speak for ourselves, I guess nowadays the lessons taught whether at school or through media, are all making people selfish. that's just what I think, sorry but no offence.
Ps, love your posts, Michelle. hope to get to know you better..
Michelle! Came here through Facebook :)Why me Ker has two e's? Haha! Nice blog anyways! Simple and light!
Markus, Thanks and I appreciate your input. (:
Ker leet, haha ! I'm so sorry, I just realized that it has 2 e's. Shall correct it. I bullshit alot on my blog but thanks anyways ! :D
Hey! That’s a good rating. I would like to add it to the watch list. Soon my kids will finish watching shows by Andy Yeatman and then I can start with this movie. Also, they are going to meet their granny and so will not be able to watch anything there.
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