• The transcript of everything in my mind

    O.P.I complete list of colours

    Phew !
    I've been lifeless + bored these few days.
    For once this week, I actually have a rather interesting day !

    Firstly, I got my nails done in Karystal Professional Nail Studio!
    This is also my first time doing manicure and pedicure (both classic manicure).
    My claws. The nail polish is from Nicole. :D
    I like the fact that it's nudish so it doesn't make my hands obvious (i have ugly hands).
    Besides that, I like to keep the colour neutral to reduce attention (good/bad) 
    I'm being considerate because i don't want people to loose focus on the road/while studying. Hoho

    My toes ! taaadaaa !
    I picked a lighter, happier, younger and definitely more fun colour.
    This nail polish is from O.P.I.
    This colour goes well with shoes of all colours !
    Even if your shoes is blue, it will not go wrong.
    Infact, you can even make a statement with it. ;D

    Okay, so if you want a complete list of colours for O.P.I
    You can click on this link !
    You can even try the colours on (animated hand).

    The list of colours.

    It's ALOT !


    20 Candles on My Cake (L)-NLW31 
    25 Colorful Years-NLA37 
    A Dozen Rosas-NLM30 
    A-Rose at Dawn... Broke by Noon (F) (L)-NLV11 
    Aphrodite's Pink Nightie (F)-NLG01 
    Argenteeny Pinkini (S)-NLA21 
    Belize It Or Not!-NLW25 
    Big Apple Red-NLN25 
    Blushingham Palace (S)-NLB16 
    Bogotá Blackberry (F) (L)-NLF52 
    Cajun Shrimp-NLL64 
    California Raspberry (S)-NLL54 
    Cara Mia Crimson (S)-NLI32 
    Cha-Ching Cherry (F) (L)-NLV12 
    Chapel of Love (S)-NLV01 
    Cheyenne Pepper (S) (L)-NLR14 
    Chicago Champagne Toast (F)-NLS63 
    Chick Flick Cherry-NLH02 
    Chocolate Moose-NLC89 
    Chocolate Shake-speare (S) (L)-NLB20 
    Cozu-melted in the Sun-NLM27 
    Dancing in the Isles (F)-NLG04 
    Deer Valley Spice (F)-NLA90 
    Did Someone Say PARTY?-NLA38 
    Don't Socra-tease Me! (S) (L)-NLG11 
    Dress to Empress (S)-NLJ04 
    Dulce de Leche-NLA15 
    Dusk Over Cairo (F)-NLM03 
    Dutch Tulips-NLL60 
    Fiji Weejee Fawn (F) (S)-NLS47 
    Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire! (S)-NLB11 
    Got the Blues for Red-NLW52 
    Grand Canyon Sunset (S) (L)-NLL30 
    Grand Central Carnation (S)-NLN30 
    Happy Anniversary!-NLA36 
    Holy Pink Pagoda! (S)-NLJ10 
    Hong Kong Sunrise (S)-NLI08 
    Hoodoo Voodoo?!-NLR01 
    I'm Not Really a Waitress (S)-NLH08 
    Innsbruck Bronze (F)-NLR04 
    It's a Doozi, Says Suzi-NLA41 
    It's All Greek to Me (S) (L)-NLG10 
    It's Sheer Luck (F)-NLV06 
    Italian Love Affair (F)-NLI27 
    Japanese Rose Garden-NLF04 
    Java Mauve-A (L)-NLS46 
    Jewel of India (S)-NLF09 
    La Paz-itively Hot (F)-NLA20 
    Lincoln Park After Dark-NLW42 
    Los Cabos Coral-NLM28 
    Magnífico México-NLM31 
    Maine-iac Mauve (S) (L)-NLN11 
    Malaga Wine-NLL87 
    Malaysian Mist (SH)-NLP62 
    Mauve-lous Memories-NLA42 
    Mauving to Manitoba (SP)-NLC83 
    Melon of Troy (F) (L)-NLG12 
    Most Honorable Red-NLJ12 
    Mother Road Rose (S)-NLS65 
    Mrs. O'Leary's BBQ-NLW44 
    My Chihuahua Bites!-NLM21 
    Nantucket Mist-NLS26 
    Nice Color, Eh? (SP)-NLC81 
    Nomad's Dream (S)-NLP02 
    Not So Bora-Bora-ing Pink (S)-NLS45 
    O'Hare & Nails Look Great!-NLW41 
    OH...To Be 25 Again!-NLA39 
    OPI Por Favor-NLM29 
    OPI Red (L)-NLL72 
    Peru-B-Ruby (S)-NLA18 
    Pistol Packin' Pink (F)-NLW05 
    Pompeii Purple (F) (L)-NLC09 
    Puerto Vallarta Violeta-NLM25 
    Quarter of a Cent-Cherry-NLA34 
    Romeo & Joliet (S)-NLS72 
    Royal Flush Blush (F)-NLV08 
    Senorita Rose-alita (S)-NLA11 
    Shanghai Shimmer (S)-NLF01 
    Silent Mauvie (S) (L)-NLH10 
    Skinny Dip'n in Lake Michigan (S)-NLW43 
    Smok'n in Havana (S)-NLC29 
    Sonora Sunset (S)-NLP05 
    Strawberry Margarita-NLM23 
    Suzi Sells Sushi by the Seashore (F)
    Suzi's Pick-NLJ11 
    The Grape Lakes (F) SP-NLW45 
    The Thrill of Brazil-NLA16 
    Tijuana Dance?-NLM26 
    Who Comes Up with these Names? (SP)-NLA40 
    Will You Mari-achi Me?-NLM32 
    Windy City Pretty-NLW50 
    You Rock-apulco Red!-NLM24 
    You're a Pisa Work-NLI25 
    You're Such a Kabuki Queen-NLJ01 
    Your Villa or Mine? (S)-NLI31 
    Yucatán If U Want (L)-NLC23 


    Atomic Orange-NLB39 
    Blue My Mind (S)-NLB24 
    Bright Lights - Big Color (S)-NLB38 
    Charged Up Cherry-NLB35 
    Dazzle Me (S)-NLB32 
    Do You Lilac It?-NLB29 
    Fireflies (F)-NLB23 
    Flashbulb Fuchsia (S)-NLB31 
    Gargantuan Green Grape-NLB44 
    Go On Green! (S)-NLB43 
    Ladies & Magenta-men (S)-NLB37 
    Need Sunglasses?-NLB46 
    Pink Before You Leap (S)-NLB34 
    Purple with a Purpose (F)-NLB30 
    Significant Other Color (F)-NLB28 
    That's Berry Daring-NLB36 
    TOTALLY Tangerine (S)-NLB41 
    Up Front & Personal (S)-NLB33 


    A Peony for Your Thoughts (SH) (F)-NLR29 
    Alpine Snow (TT)-NLL00 
    Altar Ego (SH) (F)-NLS78 
    Bride's Bouquet-NLR25 
    Bubble Bath (SH) (TT)-NLS86 
    Catch the Garter (SH)-NLR43 
    Coney Island Cotton Candy (SH) (TT)-NLL12 
    Got a Date To-Knight!-NLR46 
    Hawaiian Orchid (SH) (TT)-NLA06 
    Heart Throb (SH)-NLH18 
    Honeymoon Sweet (SH) (F)-NLS80 
    Hopelessly in Love (SH) (TT)-NLS81 
    I Do! I Do! (S)-NLR24 
    I’m a Princess, You’re Not!-NLR48 
    Infatuation (SH)-NLH17 
    Kyoto Pearl (F)-NLL03 
    Let's See the Ring (F)-NLR26 
    Matched Luggage (SH)-NLR36 
    Mimosas for Mr. & Mrs. (SH)-NLR41 
    My Daddy’s the King!-NLR47 
    Passion (SH)-NLH19 
    Pink-ing of You (SH)-NLS95 
    Princesses Rule!-NLR44 
    Privacy Please (SH)-NLR30 
    Room Service (SH) (F)-NLR32 
    Rose Petals (SH)-NLR39 
    Rosy Future (SH)-NLS79 
    Samoan Sand (SH)-NLP61 
    Second Honeymoon (SH)-NLR42 
    Sweet Heart (SH) (TT)-NLS96 
    Sweet Memories (SH)-NLR31 
    Sweetie Pie (SH) (F)-NLR28 
    Tickets to Paradise (SH)-NLR27 
    Tutti Frutti Tonga (F) (TT)-NLS48 
    Who Needs a Prince?-NLR49 
    Your Royal Shyness-NLR45 


    DS amethyst-DS017 
    DS chiffon-DS008 
    DS couture-DS004 
    DS design-DS012 
    DS desire-DS020 
    DS divine-DS005 
    DS elegance-DS006 
    DS exclusive-DS002 
    DS glamour-DS018 
    DS jewel-DS023 
    DS original-DS003 
    DS passion-DS019 
    DS ruby-DS009 
    DS sapphire-DS010 
    DS shimmer-DS001 
    DS signature-DS007 
    DS treasure-DS024 
    DS vintage-DS011 
    NEW! - DS diamond-DS021 
    NEW! - DS fantasy-DS022 


    Black Onyx-NLT02 
    Espresso Your Style-SR6R5 
    Lincoln Park After Dark-NLW42 
    Lincoln Park at Midnight-NLD01 


    A True Ab-Original-NLA50 
    Brisbane Bronze-NLA45 
    Canberra’t Without You-NLA51 
    Didgeridoo Your Nails? - Suzi's Pick!-NLA53 
    Don’t Melbourne the Toast - Suzi's Pick!-NLA54 
    Fair Dinkum Pinkum-NLA43 
    Fit for a Queensland-NLA48 
    Koala Berry-NLA46 
    Red Hot Ayers Rock-NLA47 
    Suzi Loves Sydney - Suzi's Pick!-NLA52 
    Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It-NLA44 


    An Affair in Red Square-NLR53 
    Boris & Natasha-NLR51 
    Catherine the Grape-NLR57 
    Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey!-NLR58 
    Krème de la Kremlin-NLR61 
    Midnight in Moscow-NLR59 
    Ruble for Your Thoughts-NLR56 
    Russian Navy-NLR54 
    Siberian Nights-NLR52 
    St. Petersburgundy-NLR62 
    Suzi Says Da!-NLR60 
    Vodka & Caviar-NLR55 


    Give Me the Moon!-NLB62 
    Golden Rules!-NLB63 
    I Only Drink Champagne-NLB64 
    Light My Sapphire-NLB60 
    My Private Jet-NLB59 
    OPI Ink.-NLB61 

    INDIA (coming sprin/summer 2008)

    Black Cherry Chutney-NLI43 
    Charmed by a Snake-NLI50 
    Curry Up Don't Be Late!-NLI49 
    ElePhantastic Pink-NLI42 
    Get Me to the Taj on Time-NLI48 
    I'm Indi-a Mood for Love-NLI41 
    Keys to My Karma-NLI44 
    Lunch at the Delhi-NLI51 
    MonSooner or Later-NLI45 
    Moon Over Mumbai-NLI46 
    Royal Rajah Ruby-NLI52 
    Yoga-ta Get this Blue!-NLI47




    Best Movies Ever

    • Theory of Everything (2014)
    • Cloud Atlas (2012)
    • Forest Gump (1994)
    • Life is Beautiful (1997)
    • Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    The best things that I love and constantly yearn for

    • A functional DSLR
    • A tripod
    • Antique watches and furniture
    • Chocolates
    • Cookies
    • Gerbera & Camellia (flowers)
    • Great watercolor set
    • Little notes from others
    • Mantis Shrimp
    • Tea (seriously, English Breakfast)

    People I admire

    Johann Johannsson
    Wes Anderson
    James Marsh


    Lexicon Corner


    n. the awareness of the smallness of your perspective, by which you couldn’t possibly draw any meaningful conclusions at all, about the world or the past or the complexities of culture, because although your life is an epic and unrepeatable anecdote, it still only has a sample size of one, and may end up being the control for a much wilder experiment happening in the next room.

    Words by http://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/ because come on, it's BEAUTIFUL.

    The person behind this blog

    The person behind this blog

    She is a 21 year-old awkwardly enthusiastic individual who loves the idea of photography and is constantly looking for opportunities to travel around the world.

    She loves lounging the around the house watching TV shows and movies in her pajamas while sipping tea (English breakfast is the way to go).

    If you wish to make her happy, buy her candy, but do not lure her into dark alleys with those. Also, she finds it stupid to refer to herself as a third person.

    Michelle Y.

    Meine Freunde (friends)