I've been lifeless + bored these few days.
For once this week, I actually have a rather interesting day !
Firstly, I got my nails done in Karystal Professional Nail Studio!
This is also my first time doing manicure and pedicure (both classic manicure).
My claws. The nail polish is from Nicole. :D
I like the fact that it's nudish so it doesn't make my hands obvious (i have ugly hands).
Besides that, I like to keep the colour neutral to reduce attention (good/bad)
I'm being considerate because i don't want people to loose focus on the road/while studying. Hoho
My toes ! taaadaaa !
I picked a lighter, happier, younger and definitely more fun colour.
This nail polish is from O.P.I.
This colour goes well with shoes of all colours !
Even if your shoes is blue, it will not go wrong.
Infact, you can even make a statement with it. ;D
Okay, so if you want a complete list of colours for O.P.I
You can click on this link !
You can even try the colours on (animated hand).
The list of colours.
20 Candles on My Cake (L)-NLW31
25 Colorful Years-NLA37
A Dozen Rosas-NLM30
A-Rose at Dawn... Broke by Noon (F) (L)-NLV11
Aphrodite's Pink Nightie (F)-NLG01
Argenteeny Pinkini (S)-NLA21
Belize It Or Not!-NLW25
Big Apple Red-NLN25
Blushingham Palace (S)-NLB16
Bogotá Blackberry (F) (L)-NLF52
Cajun Shrimp-NLL64
California Raspberry (S)-NLL54
Cara Mia Crimson (S)-NLI32
Cha-Ching Cherry (F) (L)-NLV12
Chapel of Love (S)-NLV01
Cheyenne Pepper (S) (L)-NLR14
Chicago Champagne Toast (F)-NLS63
Chick Flick Cherry-NLH02
Chocolate Moose-NLC89
Chocolate Shake-speare (S) (L)-NLB20
Cozu-melted in the Sun-NLM27
Dancing in the Isles (F)-NLG04
Deer Valley Spice (F)-NLA90
Did Someone Say PARTY?-NLA38
Don't Socra-tease Me! (S) (L)-NLG11
Dress to Empress (S)-NLJ04
Dulce de Leche-NLA15
Dusk Over Cairo (F)-NLM03
Dutch Tulips-NLL60
Fiji Weejee Fawn (F) (S)-NLS47
Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire! (S)-NLB11
Got the Blues for Red-NLW52
Grand Canyon Sunset (S) (L)-NLL30
Grand Central Carnation (S)-NLN30
Happy Anniversary!-NLA36
Holy Pink Pagoda! (S)-NLJ10
Hong Kong Sunrise (S)-NLI08
Hoodoo Voodoo?!-NLR01
I'm Not Really a Waitress (S)-NLH08
Innsbruck Bronze (F)-NLR04
It's a Doozi, Says Suzi-NLA41
It's All Greek to Me (S) (L)-NLG10
It's Sheer Luck (F)-NLV06
Italian Love Affair (F)-NLI27
Japanese Rose Garden-NLF04
Java Mauve-A (L)-NLS46
Jewel of India (S)-NLF09
La Paz-itively Hot (F)-NLA20
Lincoln Park After Dark-NLW42
Los Cabos Coral-NLM28
Magnífico México-NLM31
Maine-iac Mauve (S) (L)-NLN11
Malaga Wine-NLL87
Malaysian Mist (SH)-NLP62
Mauve-lous Memories-NLA42
Mauving to Manitoba (SP)-NLC83
Melon of Troy (F) (L)-NLG12
Most Honorable Red-NLJ12
Mother Road Rose (S)-NLS65
Mrs. O'Leary's BBQ-NLW44
My Chihuahua Bites!-NLM21
Nantucket Mist-NLS26
Nice Color, Eh? (SP)-NLC81
Nomad's Dream (S)-NLP02
Not So Bora-Bora-ing Pink (S)-NLS45
O'Hare & Nails Look Great!-NLW41
OH...To Be 25 Again!-NLA39
OPI Por Favor-NLM29
OPI Red (L)-NLL72
Peru-B-Ruby (S)-NLA18
Pistol Packin' Pink (F)-NLW05
Pompeii Purple (F) (L)-NLC09
Puerto Vallarta Violeta-NLM25
Quarter of a Cent-Cherry-NLA34
Romeo & Joliet (S)-NLS72
Royal Flush Blush (F)-NLV08
Senorita Rose-alita (S)-NLA11
Shanghai Shimmer (S)-NLF01
Silent Mauvie (S) (L)-NLH10
Skinny Dip'n in Lake Michigan (S)-NLW43
Smok'n in Havana (S)-NLC29
Sonora Sunset (S)-NLP05
Strawberry Margarita-NLM23
Suzi Sells Sushi by the Seashore (F)
Suzi's Pick-NLJ11
The Grape Lakes (F) SP-NLW45
The Thrill of Brazil-NLA16
Tijuana Dance?-NLM26
Who Comes Up with these Names? (SP)-NLA40
Will You Mari-achi Me?-NLM32
Windy City Pretty-NLW50
You Rock-apulco Red!-NLM24
You're a Pisa Work-NLI25
You're Such a Kabuki Queen-NLJ01
Your Villa or Mine? (S)-NLI31
Yucatán If U Want (L)-NLC23
Atomic Orange-NLB39
Blue My Mind (S)-NLB24
Bright Lights - Big Color (S)-NLB38
Charged Up Cherry-NLB35
Dazzle Me (S)-NLB32
Do You Lilac It?-NLB29
Fireflies (F)-NLB23
Flashbulb Fuchsia (S)-NLB31
Gargantuan Green Grape-NLB44
Go On Green! (S)-NLB43
Ladies & Magenta-men (S)-NLB37
Need Sunglasses?-NLB46
Pink Before You Leap (S)-NLB34
Purple with a Purpose (F)-NLB30
Significant Other Color (F)-NLB28
That's Berry Daring-NLB36
TOTALLY Tangerine (S)-NLB41
Up Front & Personal (S)-NLB33
A Peony for Your Thoughts (SH) (F)-NLR29
Alpine Snow (TT)-NLL00
Altar Ego (SH) (F)-NLS78
Bride's Bouquet-NLR25
Bubble Bath (SH) (TT)-NLS86
Catch the Garter (SH)-NLR43
Coney Island Cotton Candy (SH) (TT)-NLL12
Got a Date To-Knight!-NLR46
Hawaiian Orchid (SH) (TT)-NLA06
Heart Throb (SH)-NLH18
Honeymoon Sweet (SH) (F)-NLS80
Hopelessly in Love (SH) (TT)-NLS81
I Do! I Do! (S)-NLR24
I’m a Princess, You’re Not!-NLR48
Infatuation (SH)-NLH17
Kyoto Pearl (F)-NLL03
Let's See the Ring (F)-NLR26
Matched Luggage (SH)-NLR36
Mimosas for Mr. & Mrs. (SH)-NLR41
My Daddy’s the King!-NLR47
Passion (SH)-NLH19
Pink-ing of You (SH)-NLS95
Princesses Rule!-NLR44
Privacy Please (SH)-NLR30
Room Service (SH) (F)-NLR32
Rose Petals (SH)-NLR39
Rosy Future (SH)-NLS79
Samoan Sand (SH)-NLP61
Second Honeymoon (SH)-NLR42
Sweet Heart (SH) (TT)-NLS96
Sweet Memories (SH)-NLR31
Sweetie Pie (SH) (F)-NLR28
Tickets to Paradise (SH)-NLR27
Tutti Frutti Tonga (F) (TT)-NLS48
Who Needs a Prince?-NLR49
Your Royal Shyness-NLR45
DS amethyst-DS017
DS chiffon-DS008
DS couture-DS004
DS design-DS012
DS desire-DS020
DS divine-DS005
DS elegance-DS006
DS exclusive-DS002
DS glamour-DS018
DS jewel-DS023
DS original-DS003
DS passion-DS019
DS ruby-DS009
DS sapphire-DS010
DS shimmer-DS001
DS signature-DS007
DS treasure-DS024
DS vintage-DS011
NEW! - DS diamond-DS021
NEW! - DS fantasy-DS022
Black Onyx-NLT02
Espresso Your Style-SR6R5
Lincoln Park After Dark-NLW42
Lincoln Park at Midnight-NLD01
A True Ab-Original-NLA50
Brisbane Bronze-NLA45
Canberra’t Without You-NLA51
Didgeridoo Your Nails? - Suzi's Pick!-NLA53
Don’t Melbourne the Toast - Suzi's Pick!-NLA54
Fair Dinkum Pinkum-NLA43
Fit for a Queensland-NLA48
Koala Berry-NLA46
Red Hot Ayers Rock-NLA47
Suzi Loves Sydney - Suzi's Pick!-NLA52
Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It-NLA44
An Affair in Red Square-NLR53
Boris & Natasha-NLR51
Catherine the Grape-NLR57
Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey!-NLR58
Krème de la Kremlin-NLR61
Midnight in Moscow-NLR59
Ruble for Your Thoughts-NLR56
Russian Navy-NLR54
Siberian Nights-NLR52
St. Petersburgundy-NLR62
Suzi Says Da!-NLR60
Vodka & Caviar-NLR55
Give Me the Moon!-NLB62
Golden Rules!-NLB63
I Only Drink Champagne-NLB64
Light My Sapphire-NLB60
My Private Jet-NLB59
OPI Ink.-NLB61
INDIA (coming sprin/summer 2008)
Black Cherry Chutney-NLI43
Charmed by a Snake-NLI50
Curry Up Don't Be Late!-NLI49
ElePhantastic Pink-NLI42
Get Me to the Taj on Time-NLI48
I'm Indi-a Mood for Love-NLI41
Keys to My Karma-NLI44
Lunch at the Delhi-NLI51
MonSooner or Later-NLI45
Moon Over Mumbai-NLI46
Royal Rajah Ruby-NLI52
Yoga-ta Get this Blue!-NLI47
I picked a lighter, happier, younger and definitely more fun colour.
This nail polish is from O.P.I.
This colour goes well with shoes of all colours !
Even if your shoes is blue, it will not go wrong.
Infact, you can even make a statement with it. ;D
Okay, so if you want a complete list of colours for O.P.I
You can click on this link !
You can even try the colours on (animated hand).
The list of colours.
It's ALOT !
20 Candles on My Cake (L)-NLW31
25 Colorful Years-NLA37
A Dozen Rosas-NLM30
A-Rose at Dawn... Broke by Noon (F) (L)-NLV11
Aphrodite's Pink Nightie (F)-NLG01
Argenteeny Pinkini (S)-NLA21
Belize It Or Not!-NLW25
Big Apple Red-NLN25
Blushingham Palace (S)-NLB16
Bogotá Blackberry (F) (L)-NLF52
Cajun Shrimp-NLL64
California Raspberry (S)-NLL54
Cara Mia Crimson (S)-NLI32
Cha-Ching Cherry (F) (L)-NLV12
Chapel of Love (S)-NLV01
Cheyenne Pepper (S) (L)-NLR14
Chicago Champagne Toast (F)-NLS63
Chick Flick Cherry-NLH02
Chocolate Moose-NLC89
Chocolate Shake-speare (S) (L)-NLB20
Cozu-melted in the Sun-NLM27
Dancing in the Isles (F)-NLG04
Deer Valley Spice (F)-NLA90
Did Someone Say PARTY?-NLA38
Don't Socra-tease Me! (S) (L)-NLG11
Dress to Empress (S)-NLJ04
Dulce de Leche-NLA15
Dusk Over Cairo (F)-NLM03
Dutch Tulips-NLL60
Fiji Weejee Fawn (F) (S)-NLS47
Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire! (S)-NLB11
Got the Blues for Red-NLW52
Grand Canyon Sunset (S) (L)-NLL30
Grand Central Carnation (S)-NLN30
Happy Anniversary!-NLA36
Holy Pink Pagoda! (S)-NLJ10
Hong Kong Sunrise (S)-NLI08
Hoodoo Voodoo?!-NLR01
I'm Not Really a Waitress (S)-NLH08
Innsbruck Bronze (F)-NLR04
It's a Doozi, Says Suzi-NLA41
It's All Greek to Me (S) (L)-NLG10
It's Sheer Luck (F)-NLV06
Italian Love Affair (F)-NLI27
Japanese Rose Garden-NLF04
Java Mauve-A (L)-NLS46
Jewel of India (S)-NLF09
La Paz-itively Hot (F)-NLA20
Lincoln Park After Dark-NLW42
Los Cabos Coral-NLM28
Magnífico México-NLM31
Maine-iac Mauve (S) (L)-NLN11
Malaga Wine-NLL87
Malaysian Mist (SH)-NLP62
Mauve-lous Memories-NLA42
Mauving to Manitoba (SP)-NLC83
Melon of Troy (F) (L)-NLG12
Most Honorable Red-NLJ12
Mother Road Rose (S)-NLS65
Mrs. O'Leary's BBQ-NLW44
My Chihuahua Bites!-NLM21
Nantucket Mist-NLS26
Nice Color, Eh? (SP)-NLC81
Nomad's Dream (S)-NLP02
Not So Bora-Bora-ing Pink (S)-NLS45
O'Hare & Nails Look Great!-NLW41
OH...To Be 25 Again!-NLA39
OPI Por Favor-NLM29
OPI Red (L)-NLL72
Peru-B-Ruby (S)-NLA18
Pistol Packin' Pink (F)-NLW05
Pompeii Purple (F) (L)-NLC09
Puerto Vallarta Violeta-NLM25
Quarter of a Cent-Cherry-NLA34
Romeo & Joliet (S)-NLS72
Royal Flush Blush (F)-NLV08
Senorita Rose-alita (S)-NLA11
Shanghai Shimmer (S)-NLF01
Silent Mauvie (S) (L)-NLH10
Skinny Dip'n in Lake Michigan (S)-NLW43
Smok'n in Havana (S)-NLC29
Sonora Sunset (S)-NLP05
Strawberry Margarita-NLM23
Suzi Sells Sushi by the Seashore (F)
Suzi's Pick-NLJ11
The Grape Lakes (F) SP-NLW45
The Thrill of Brazil-NLA16
Tijuana Dance?-NLM26
Who Comes Up with these Names? (SP)-NLA40
Will You Mari-achi Me?-NLM32
Windy City Pretty-NLW50
You Rock-apulco Red!-NLM24
You're a Pisa Work-NLI25
You're Such a Kabuki Queen-NLJ01
Your Villa or Mine? (S)-NLI31
Yucatán If U Want (L)-NLC23
Atomic Orange-NLB39
Blue My Mind (S)-NLB24
Bright Lights - Big Color (S)-NLB38
Charged Up Cherry-NLB35
Dazzle Me (S)-NLB32
Do You Lilac It?-NLB29
Fireflies (F)-NLB23
Flashbulb Fuchsia (S)-NLB31
Gargantuan Green Grape-NLB44
Go On Green! (S)-NLB43
Ladies & Magenta-men (S)-NLB37
Need Sunglasses?-NLB46
Pink Before You Leap (S)-NLB34
Purple with a Purpose (F)-NLB30
Significant Other Color (F)-NLB28
That's Berry Daring-NLB36
TOTALLY Tangerine (S)-NLB41
Up Front & Personal (S)-NLB33
A Peony for Your Thoughts (SH) (F)-NLR29
Alpine Snow (TT)-NLL00
Altar Ego (SH) (F)-NLS78
Bride's Bouquet-NLR25
Bubble Bath (SH) (TT)-NLS86
Catch the Garter (SH)-NLR43
Coney Island Cotton Candy (SH) (TT)-NLL12
Got a Date To-Knight!-NLR46
Hawaiian Orchid (SH) (TT)-NLA06
Heart Throb (SH)-NLH18
Honeymoon Sweet (SH) (F)-NLS80
Hopelessly in Love (SH) (TT)-NLS81
I Do! I Do! (S)-NLR24
I’m a Princess, You’re Not!-NLR48
Infatuation (SH)-NLH17
Kyoto Pearl (F)-NLL03
Let's See the Ring (F)-NLR26
Matched Luggage (SH)-NLR36
Mimosas for Mr. & Mrs. (SH)-NLR41
My Daddy’s the King!-NLR47
Passion (SH)-NLH19
Pink-ing of You (SH)-NLS95
Princesses Rule!-NLR44
Privacy Please (SH)-NLR30
Room Service (SH) (F)-NLR32
Rose Petals (SH)-NLR39
Rosy Future (SH)-NLS79
Samoan Sand (SH)-NLP61
Second Honeymoon (SH)-NLR42
Sweet Heart (SH) (TT)-NLS96
Sweet Memories (SH)-NLR31
Sweetie Pie (SH) (F)-NLR28
Tickets to Paradise (SH)-NLR27
Tutti Frutti Tonga (F) (TT)-NLS48
Who Needs a Prince?-NLR49
Your Royal Shyness-NLR45
DS amethyst-DS017
DS chiffon-DS008
DS couture-DS004
DS design-DS012
DS desire-DS020
DS divine-DS005
DS elegance-DS006
DS exclusive-DS002
DS glamour-DS018
DS jewel-DS023
DS original-DS003
DS passion-DS019
DS ruby-DS009
DS sapphire-DS010
DS shimmer-DS001
DS signature-DS007
DS treasure-DS024
DS vintage-DS011
NEW! - DS diamond-DS021
NEW! - DS fantasy-DS022
Black Onyx-NLT02
Espresso Your Style-SR6R5
Lincoln Park After Dark-NLW42
Lincoln Park at Midnight-NLD01
A True Ab-Original-NLA50
Brisbane Bronze-NLA45
Canberra’t Without You-NLA51
Didgeridoo Your Nails? - Suzi's Pick!-NLA53
Don’t Melbourne the Toast - Suzi's Pick!-NLA54
Fair Dinkum Pinkum-NLA43
Fit for a Queensland-NLA48
Koala Berry-NLA46
Red Hot Ayers Rock-NLA47
Suzi Loves Sydney - Suzi's Pick!-NLA52
Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It-NLA44
An Affair in Red Square-NLR53
Boris & Natasha-NLR51
Catherine the Grape-NLR57
Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey!-NLR58
Krème de la Kremlin-NLR61
Midnight in Moscow-NLR59
Ruble for Your Thoughts-NLR56
Russian Navy-NLR54
Siberian Nights-NLR52
St. Petersburgundy-NLR62
Suzi Says Da!-NLR60
Vodka & Caviar-NLR55
Give Me the Moon!-NLB62
Golden Rules!-NLB63
I Only Drink Champagne-NLB64
Light My Sapphire-NLB60
My Private Jet-NLB59
OPI Ink.-NLB61
INDIA (coming sprin/summer 2008)
Black Cherry Chutney-NLI43
Charmed by a Snake-NLI50
Curry Up Don't Be Late!-NLI49
ElePhantastic Pink-NLI42
Get Me to the Taj on Time-NLI48
I'm Indi-a Mood for Love-NLI41
Keys to My Karma-NLI44
Lunch at the Delhi-NLI51
MonSooner or Later-NLI45
Moon Over Mumbai-NLI46
Royal Rajah Ruby-NLI52
Yoga-ta Get this Blue!-NLI47
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