• The transcript of everything in my mind

    Kate spade or Micheal Kors?

    So, I want to say that I am obsessed with Kate Spade. Heh.
    Kate spade has refreshing designs, colours that pop and most importantly funky. 
    Every single piece is a statement. It's bold and captures people's attention. 
    I saw a girl carrying a Kate Spade Bag and my eyes naturally gravitated towards it.

    Some pictures to show why I love this brand so much.

    Another brand that I recently fell in love with Micheal Kors (I love alot of brands, don't mind me).
    After it's grand opening in Pavilion. It feels like my new found love. haha.
    Don't worry, other brands (Ferragamo, Hermes, etc.)  are also my love.
    Okay, so Micheal Kors has a totally different style compared to Kate Spade.
    I would admit that Kate spade is a little more like me but heck, I can still enjoy stuff that isn't my style.

    Micheal Kors has a more matured, feminine, and a tinge of casual look which I think it would suit women aged from 20+ to 40+. An amazing brand indeed. 

    Some ads to show you what the brand is like.

    Okay, so the reason why I brought this up is that I am having a hard time deciding which purse to buy.
    Kate spade? or Micheal Kors?
    As for the other brands, most of it is out of my budget range. LOL
    I am not replacing my purse for no apparent reason.
    But my purse has gotten holed recently.
    Don't think wrongly.
    In simple yet understandable terms, It has a friggin HOLE (for 3 months already).

    It's just a hole but it's still usable?
    According to the chinese beliefs which I do not want to break (mama's nags), a purse with a hole will cause money to 'fly' easier. It means that I would not be able to save money and money will be lost for not clear reasons why.
    Maybe it's a little superstitious of me but hey, i couldn't save any money for 3 months !

    So here's the 4 choices that I couldn't make a decision out of.

    Michael Kors Fulton Carryall Leather Wallet 

    Kate Spade New York Cobble Hill Zoey Wallet 

    Kate Spade New York Mikas Pond Stacy Wallet

    Kate Spade South Street Lacey Wallet

    So help me ! D:




    Best Movies Ever

    • Theory of Everything (2014)
    • Cloud Atlas (2012)
    • Forest Gump (1994)
    • Life is Beautiful (1997)
    • Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    The best things that I love and constantly yearn for

    • A functional DSLR
    • A tripod
    • Antique watches and furniture
    • Chocolates
    • Cookies
    • Gerbera & Camellia (flowers)
    • Great watercolor set
    • Little notes from others
    • Mantis Shrimp
    • Tea (seriously, English Breakfast)

    People I admire

    Johann Johannsson
    Wes Anderson
    James Marsh


    Lexicon Corner


    n. the awareness of the smallness of your perspective, by which you couldn’t possibly draw any meaningful conclusions at all, about the world or the past or the complexities of culture, because although your life is an epic and unrepeatable anecdote, it still only has a sample size of one, and may end up being the control for a much wilder experiment happening in the next room.

    Words by http://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/ because come on, it's BEAUTIFUL.

    The person behind this blog

    The person behind this blog

    She is a 21 year-old awkwardly enthusiastic individual who loves the idea of photography and is constantly looking for opportunities to travel around the world.

    She loves lounging the around the house watching TV shows and movies in her pajamas while sipping tea (English breakfast is the way to go).

    If you wish to make her happy, buy her candy, but do not lure her into dark alleys with those. Also, she finds it stupid to refer to herself as a third person.

    Michelle Y.

    Meine Freunde (friends)