1. Slept in a bed beside you: My Dad.
2. Saw you cry: A few of my class mates.
3. Went to the movies with: MOM.
4. You went to the mall with: MOM!
5. You went to dinner with: Daaaaaaaaaaaaddy.
6. You talked to on the phone: Mommy!
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it: Hubby. Isn't it obvious enough?
8. Broke your heart: Him.
9. Made you laugh: Suresh.
10. Pierce your nose or tongue or belly : Nose.
11. Be serious or be funny: Funny.
12. Drink whole or skim milk: Seriously? WHOLE. xD
13. Die in a fire or drown: I can't even make up my mind. Which one should i go for?
14. Spend time with your parents or enemies: Parental love is greater than them.
15. Simple or complicated: Simple yet complicated.
16. Called Wilhelm: Nooooo... Unless it's compulsary to be called that.
10. Pierce your nose or tongue or belly : Nose.
11. Be serious or be funny: Funny.
12. Drink whole or skim milk: Seriously? WHOLE. xD
13. Die in a fire or drown: I can't even make up my mind. Which one should i go for?
14. Spend time with your parents or enemies: Parental love is greater than them.
15. Simple or complicated: Simple yet complicated.
16. Called Wilhelm: Nooooo... Unless it's compulsary to be called that.
17. Hardcore: Maybe. Wanna try? (:
18. Flowers or candy: Candy.
19. Grey or black: Grey is too dull!
20. Color or black and white photos: Both. It depends on my mood.
21. Lust or love: Love
22. Sunrise or sunset: Both. It's the course of nature. DUH!
23. M&Ms or Skittles: M&Ms
24. Staying up late or waking up early: Staying up late.
25. Do you like anyone: Yes.
26. Do they know it: Yes.
27. Sun or moon: Moon.
28. Winter or Fall: Fall. the leaves are mesmerizing
29. Left or right: Left
30. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends: two best friends of course. 2 best friends equals infinity.
31. Sun or rain: Rain and sun.
32. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream: Both. I don't like choosing.
33. Vodka or Jack: Vodka!
34. What time is it: 6.41
35. Name: Michelle The Great.
36. Nickname(s): You really don't wanna know.
37. Where were you born: In a hospital? HAH!
38. What is your birthdate: 30th of August. My special day!
39. What do you want: All the joy in the world.
40. Where do you want to live: In a house? LOL.
41. How many kids do you want: I'm not thinking about it.
42. What would you want to name a girl: Emma
43. What would you want to name a boy: Enrique
44. You want to get married: Who knows.
45. Nervous habits: I smile.
46. Double jointed: Some parts but I keep it quiet.
47. Can you roll your tongue?: I roll!
48. Can you raise one eyebrow?: I can raise both! xD and one too.
49. Can you cross your eyes: Who knows. I have not discover that side of potential of mine.
50. Do you make your bed daily: Nah!
51. Which shoe goes on first: Left!
52. Ever thrown one at someone: Yeahhh.
53. On the average how much do you spend daily: RM 2
54. What jewelery do you wear: Earrings?
55. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl.
56. Have you ever eaten Spam: Nope. Never heard of it.
57. Favorite ice cream: Every ice-cream on sale.
58. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet: None.
59. What's your favorite beverage: All.
60. Do you cook: Yes. I do.
61. Had a b/f or g/f: Yeahh.
62. Bought something you didn't need?: Nope.
63. Sang in front of people: Yes, I did. It was humiliating.
64. Been hugged: Yeahhhhhhhhh...
65. Felt stupid: Oh please... I feel that every now and then
66. Got drunk: Hope to.
67. Got drunk again: I wonder.
68. Danced crazy: Definitely. HAHA
69. Gotten your hair cut: In your dreams, maybe.
70. Cried: Yes. Uncountable times.
71. been kissed : Yeahh.
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Mun jack
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