Read the poem i wrote down below! You'll enjoy it!
Have you ever thought how wrong things can be? (:
Well, for the past few months, I seem to find everything wrong. Even the tiniest bit of stuff makes me laugh for it looks wrong or even sounds WRONG!
Well, let me show you why.
Well, this is obvious that it's wrong!
p/s : In case you are focusing too much on the face, Look at the ... [bottom part]
Okay, Now this sounds wrong to me.
I don't know about you guys, but this comic is making me laugh. ROFLMAO.
Okay now let's get back to my day.
I went to school today. It was kinda boring but my a few of my friends including Connie Tan (my beloved cow), Faridah, Roveen Cheong, Weng Yan, and Tsu chung (maybe?). We had so much fun just by talking about random stuff. We actually changed topic from news to EYES! I do not even know how we managed to change topic so often. I guess this is the way teens are. Okay, that's all for today folks!
Tune in ...
for more sexy stuff ! :D
Signing off,
Michelle The Great!
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