• The transcript of everything in my mind

    Read the poem i wrote down below! You'll enjoy it!

    Have you ever thought how wrong things can be? (:
    Well, for the past few months, I seem to find everything wrong. Even the tiniest bit of stuff makes me laugh for it looks wrong or even sounds WRONG!

    Well, let me show you why.

     Well, this is obvious that it's wrong!
    p/s : In case you are focusing too much on the face, Look at the ... [bottom part] 




    Okay, Now this sounds wrong to me.
    I don't know about you guys, but this comic is making me laugh. ROFLMAO.

    Okay now let's get back to my day.


    I went to school today. It was kinda boring but my a few of my friends including Connie Tan (my beloved cow), Faridah, Roveen Cheong, Weng Yan, and Tsu chung (maybe?).  We had so much fun just by talking about random stuff. We actually changed topic from news to EYES! I do not even know how we managed to change topic so often. I guess this is the way teens are. Okay, that's all for today folks!

    Tune in ...
    for more sexy stuff !  :D

    Signing off, 
    Michelle The Great!



    Best Movies Ever

    • Theory of Everything (2014)
    • Cloud Atlas (2012)
    • Forest Gump (1994)
    • Life is Beautiful (1997)
    • Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    The best things that I love and constantly yearn for

    • A functional DSLR
    • A tripod
    • Antique watches and furniture
    • Chocolates
    • Cookies
    • Gerbera & Camellia (flowers)
    • Great watercolor set
    • Little notes from others
    • Mantis Shrimp
    • Tea (seriously, English Breakfast)

    People I admire

    Johann Johannsson
    Wes Anderson
    James Marsh


    Lexicon Corner


    n. the awareness of the smallness of your perspective, by which you couldn’t possibly draw any meaningful conclusions at all, about the world or the past or the complexities of culture, because although your life is an epic and unrepeatable anecdote, it still only has a sample size of one, and may end up being the control for a much wilder experiment happening in the next room.

    Words by http://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/ because come on, it's BEAUTIFUL.

    The person behind this blog

    The person behind this blog

    She is a 21 year-old awkwardly enthusiastic individual who loves the idea of photography and is constantly looking for opportunities to travel around the world.

    She loves lounging the around the house watching TV shows and movies in her pajamas while sipping tea (English breakfast is the way to go).

    If you wish to make her happy, buy her candy, but do not lure her into dark alleys with those. Also, she finds it stupid to refer to herself as a third person.

    Michelle Y.

    Meine Freunde (friends)