A fun two weeks had just passed in a blink of an eye. Saddening it is for it is fun in many ways. It brought joy and happiness and not to forget memories as well! Last week, there was a photography shoot for prefectorial board. Well, guess what? I'm in it. ;D
It was fun for everyone from the board could gather and take our pictures for memories for the future. isn't that just awesome? Besides that, many committee members brought cameras to capture the final year of schooling in this school. P/s : i am one of the committee.
We took pictures with every committee and of course we played around with the photos a little from acting cute to plain silly. It was fun and it brings back memories of how we worked together and the difficulties we go through together as a team. During that tough moments, we formed a well-bonded relationship and became close friends although we are from different backgrounds and born in different years. And with this i shall send a message to my friends whom i really formed a true friendship with. "We became friends unconsciously and fate brought us together. With fate, we shall remain friends forever. Thank you for everything my dear friends for you have been such dears."
Next up!
This week, i didn't have any plans for the whole week to begin with but things came unexpectedly and i accepted everything. First was GYM ! On wednesday, Kadine, Su Poh, Natasha, and I decided to go for a little work out and make ourselves fitter of course. What we didn't expect was the heavy downpour before school officially end. I was furious to see for it is the first time i had rained in the afternoon after a long long time but i accepted it and just continued my journey out of the school. I took out my little umbrella. Hilariously, it could not shield me from the rain. The wind was strong and rain came along with the wind. The wind finally took it toll on my umbrella and spoiled it. I closed my umbrella and decided to just run to Kadine's bus. We had to chase after the bus for it was leaving already. With our dripping wet clothes and fogged up spectacles, we sat in the bus awaiting for our turn to get down. We got down from the bus and ran into the car park without stopping. It was fun but tiring. Soon after, somehow we get this funny idea to get into the sauna and dry ourselves there. And for your information, clothes did not dry but I was about to dehydrate and starve to death. After a short while of being in the burning hot sauna, we stepped out feeling refreshed and ate some cup noodles beside the swimming pool. The breeze was AMAZING! After that, we headed to the gym then into kadine's house. Watched a little movie and ate a little before heading home. Came back tired but satisfied.
On Friday (yesterday),
I was invited to play badminton with Mun fai, Asthen, Ka hing, Mun Jack, Kadine, Siew Thong, Boon Jhoe, Chun Leong. It was fun but super tiring. I was dying to sleep and thanks to boon jhoe, i managed to stay awake. Thanks Boon Jhoe for teaching me to play. (:
Ate quite alot for dinner for i am HUNGRY! *reminder to self : Pay back Boon Jhoe for food*
I went home sore and ate somemore. (it rhymes!). Chatted a little online then runtuh-ed onto bed.
Today, I will be going for another round of badminton.
I just hope i won't come back crawling on the floor. I do believe it is gonna hurt for my muscles is aching from yesterday's game. Don't be jealous people, you'll experience it no matter what. Hoho.
That's all for my LONG LONG LONG story. (:
Thanks for being so patient.
Michelle <3
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