I can no longer withstand exams anymore. Intense studies and long hours in a quiet environment makes me tick !
However, exams are unavoidable. :/
These few days,
I learnt that we should take appreciation to everything around us. We would never know when we will loose it.
As i thought about that fact, i couldn't keep my eyes off of my parents. I wondered how my life would be without them. Of course, i got a little teary. I gave them a big hug but they were dazed. Haha. I dreamt of death in many ways, of many people but death of my closest friends wake me in and cause me to be in tears. It was then I realise that I love them.
I know, i'm so sweet right. HOHOHO!
In moments of silence in bed,
I hear footsteps coming into the room,
Through the door death crept,
The room so bright, gloomed.
I bounced out of bed,
Realised it was just a dream gone bad,
Out the door,
Vibrations of a guitar.
His ear-piercing noise,
Saved me from fear,
The sound of his voice,
Brought warmth through my ear.
Thank you so much,
For still being here,
Making noises noisier than a bunch,
This is the safest I can feel here.
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