I see lots of flowers and gifts around today and i iz jealous ! hehehe.
Anyway, Happy Birthday MOMMY !
You're the awesomest human on earth and Me loooooooooove you !
She's not home right now but i will stay up late to wish her
the last happy birthday for this year !
This is my momma, and shut your comments away. ;D
It's Valentines and i'm smiling, wishing people a happy valentines day.
I keep telling myself that valentine is unnecessary and it's a waste of money.
People, everyday of the year is a day to celebrate love for your loved one !
So, treasure them, love them and hold them close to your heart for you will never know when you might just lose them. And hey baby, i'm treasuring you. <3
Unlike a bouquet of beautiful flowers,
My love doesn't fade with time.
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