• The transcript of everything in my mind

    A peek of her life !

    Well guys, I'm back.
    These days have been pretty tiring. I kept running up and down in school, trying to settle things. However, some thing's been pissing me off quite bad these days. That is probably why you can spot me scolding somebody, somewhere, sometime. First came that bloody bastard (guy) who back stabs and tells people private things of other people. What a jackass! I mean what rights does he has to tell people these stuff and humiliate others. Can't he imagine how that person feels?!? Why not try putting himself in other people's shoes?

    Besides that backstabber, there's one pretty bad insultor that I am currently trying to be patient with. Everthing she says leads to an insult. I know it may be quite fun insulting, but please! Don't do it so often! I've been friggin' pissed nowadays. So if you see me walking around with a face of a devil, don't try to pick a fight with me.

    Okay, time to get over all the people trouble.
    Today seem weird. Everything in school feels weird without Natasha. (hope she'll be back safe)
    There's physics today. I went to the laboratory alone. I took my seat on the second table at the left side. I sat alone as others would join their talk gang. Since there's nothing else to do while waiting, I rested on the table lying face down. Roveen asked me to join her at the front table. Then hubby came and sat with me. Thank you hubby! However, I ran away and joined Roveen. I'm sorry, hubby but i just don't want to tell teacher that we're together. Maybe teacher knew, but I don't want rumours to go around among the teachers. I hope you understand. Maybe it would be fine in someways but in someways I find it inappropriate. Physics was pretty fun if you have joined me, roveen, weng yan, and some other people. We talked and fooled around and still able to pay attention! DD:

    During recess, I went to put papers on Pn. Mugil's table. I was trying to escape being noticed by Cik Gurcharan as she sits beside Pn. Mugil. It's dangerous and I got caught. -.-
    Cik Gurcharan asked me to do stuff and now you see, I'm actually suffering from another Stress attack! Oh well...

    Nothing much after that. We studied for maths and did works & more works. As for history, we did not study as teacher was busy trying to settle something.
    Okay folks! that's all for today's peek of my life!



    Best Movies Ever

    • Theory of Everything (2014)
    • Cloud Atlas (2012)
    • Forest Gump (1994)
    • Life is Beautiful (1997)
    • Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    The best things that I love and constantly yearn for

    • A functional DSLR
    • A tripod
    • Antique watches and furniture
    • Chocolates
    • Cookies
    • Gerbera & Camellia (flowers)
    • Great watercolor set
    • Little notes from others
    • Mantis Shrimp
    • Tea (seriously, English Breakfast)

    People I admire

    Johann Johannsson
    Wes Anderson
    James Marsh


    Lexicon Corner


    n. the awareness of the smallness of your perspective, by which you couldn’t possibly draw any meaningful conclusions at all, about the world or the past or the complexities of culture, because although your life is an epic and unrepeatable anecdote, it still only has a sample size of one, and may end up being the control for a much wilder experiment happening in the next room.

    Words by http://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/ because come on, it's BEAUTIFUL.

    The person behind this blog

    The person behind this blog

    She is a 21 year-old awkwardly enthusiastic individual who loves the idea of photography and is constantly looking for opportunities to travel around the world.

    She loves lounging the around the house watching TV shows and movies in her pajamas while sipping tea (English breakfast is the way to go).

    If you wish to make her happy, buy her candy, but do not lure her into dark alleys with those. Also, she finds it stupid to refer to herself as a third person.

    Michelle Y.

    Meine Freunde (friends)