Green is loooooooove !
Hey my fellow readers,
I'm sorry to say that I was pretty busy these days. Brainstorming and working out became my everyday routine. I grew tired and lazy of the internet. And therefore, you won't be seeing much of me these days. You might spot me in school running here and there (morelikeRUSHING) with a face as black as night itself. Woah, okay. I'm exaggerating. However, don't blame me folks! I have to be serious and plus, the stress is really getting to me.
Besides, my studies are actually making things worse. My fears for the next examination drowned me in anxiety. I go tuition 6 days a week, with hopes of improving my results. The red mark on my report card reminds me of the hard work I need to put in before I can guarantee my place in the class. My hopes of being an excellent students will someday come true, I know.
I am actually feeling proud of myself. I wake up everyday, telling myself that I will be happy and responsible, doing all the things I need to finish and still be there on time for class (especially Addmaths!). Other than stress, my relationships are a havoc. I don't know my friends anymore, maybe it's because of the lack of time I spent together with them outside the classroom. All these things to think about and handle, I overlooked my relationship with hubby, it became fragile. I had to thank God for allowing us to last longer. I'm sorry to say, but we haven't been spending much time with and for each other lately. Each of us have different things to do and accomplish. I could understand if he suddenly explodes. My stress and work mounted. So forgive me if I had scolded you guys, OKAY?
Today, I went to see En. Shahril. He talked to me and Miss Kalpana about me and hubby's relationship. They actually agreed to it? LOL. En. Shahril said hubby is a good boy so we're okay. Hah! I was actually "fishing" over there (fish in cantonese). EMBARASSING! Arghhh!
Okay, that's all peps!
I'm sorry to say that I was pretty busy these days. Brainstorming and working out became my everyday routine. I grew tired and lazy of the internet. And therefore, you won't be seeing much of me these days. You might spot me in school running here and there (morelikeRUSHING) with a face as black as night itself. Woah, okay. I'm exaggerating. However, don't blame me folks! I have to be serious and plus, the stress is really getting to me.
Besides, my studies are actually making things worse. My fears for the next examination drowned me in anxiety. I go tuition 6 days a week, with hopes of improving my results. The red mark on my report card reminds me of the hard work I need to put in before I can guarantee my place in the class. My hopes of being an excellent students will someday come true, I know.
I am actually feeling proud of myself. I wake up everyday, telling myself that I will be happy and responsible, doing all the things I need to finish and still be there on time for class (especially Addmaths!). Other than stress, my relationships are a havoc. I don't know my friends anymore, maybe it's because of the lack of time I spent together with them outside the classroom. All these things to think about and handle, I overlooked my relationship with hubby, it became fragile. I had to thank God for allowing us to last longer. I'm sorry to say, but we haven't been spending much time with and for each other lately. Each of us have different things to do and accomplish. I could understand if he suddenly explodes. My stress and work mounted. So forgive me if I had scolded you guys, OKAY?
Today, I went to see En. Shahril. He talked to me and Miss Kalpana about me and hubby's relationship. They actually agreed to it? LOL. En. Shahril said hubby is a good boy so we're okay. Hah! I was actually "fishing" over there (fish in cantonese). EMBARASSING! Arghhh!
Okay, that's all peps!
Good - bai !
Signing off singing,
Michelle the great.
Michelle the great.
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