Holidays! ish, ish ish... Firstly, I don't really enjoy holidays because holidays simply means boring. Well, at least for ME! These few days of holidays, I kept myself busy by doing random stuff like inviting friends over and talk! Ahahaha. I know this is lame, but I had so much fun just by talking and laughing. Last saturday, Natasha came for a sleepover in my house. Yeah, That's right, MY HOUSE! We managed to play Rockband 2 for hours, talk like crazy women, posted a funny post about 100 truths and actually faught for a BED TO SLEEP! D:
Well, you must be thinking we're crazy, but we're not. Heh. After 3 days and 2 nights of laughter, fun and crazy trips out. I fell sick due to some stupid cold. This cold actually saved me from a camp. However, I'M SORRY SIEW THONG for not able to attend your BAKP camp. Forgive me, please? *stares with angelic eyes*
After suffering from the cold and lying on the bed for hours till my backbone feel like breaking. I finally pulled myself together and started onlining for hours and playing Rockband 2 again.
Reading also became an obsession! ;D The book i'm currently reading is friggin' interesting! Lastly, I ate so much during the holidays that I forgot to work out! *laughs*
I can't wait for tomorrow, it's my birthday! The saddest thing ever is, my parents will not be home. Isn't that just tragic? Oh well... who cares. Hahaha! No cakes for me this year~
Alrighty, Let's end the lecture and allow the pictures to present itself shall we? Eh? (:
n. the awareness of the smallness of your perspective, by which you couldn’t possibly draw any meaningful conclusions at all, about the world or the past or the complexities of culture, because although your life is an epic and unrepeatable anecdote, it still only has a sample size of one, and may end up being the control for a much wilder experiment happening in the next room.
Words by because come on, it's BEAUTIFUL.
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