Natasha, Jeremy and I headed to Midvalley for a movie marathon. We met up and found ourselves waiting for the ticket counters to open. It was 10.30. We waited for a little while more and soon found out that the system was down, because of that, we missed out first show, princess and the frog. It was pretty disappointing so we walked to the gardens, talked and shopped. After that, we headed to the food court for lunch. Jeremy and I indulged ourselves in japanese cuisines. Well, I won't really call it cuisine. Hahaha. After the food, we headed to the cinema to get our tickets for Avatar. I was actually excited about it! We entered and sat down. The movie was GREAT! I mean seriously GREAT. The effects were awesome and the storyline was interesting! Plus, the avatars and the Na'vi people were so real! It's just totally awesome. After the movie, we did more shopping and finally decided to go home.
End of the day!
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