Wrong quote to start a post?
Don't think so.
I specially dedicate this "holy cow" quote to my dearest cow Connie Tan.
Warning : The following post is full of words.
Sorry for not updating, I got kinda lazy. (:
Last saturday, the girls went to Times Square. Natasha, Kadine, Siew thong, Zheng yi and I went shopping for dresses. We find ourselves in different kind of stores which varies from the cheap of the expensive. We had so much fun tyring on dresses. Guess what! We actually managed to force Kadine put on a dress. She was pretty, more like beautiful. Maybe she should wear dresses more often. *imagines*
I found a few dresses that i like, and I feel in love. However, I couldn't own those dresses as they're too expensive for me to afford on my own. Maybe i'll drag my mom to the mall instead? That would be a great idea isn't it? *smirks* Anyhow, After lots of shopping and stuff, the only ones who bought dresses are Zheng Yii, Siew Thong and I. Not bad, at least we bought something. Before leaving, we spent a little time taking pictures near the christmas stores (built like decorations). It attracted many to capture photos. People.... hahaha. So after all the picture taking and walking, we finally decided to head home. On the way back, we met Mun Jack, Mun Fai, and Asthen in the LRT station nearby. We said that it was conincidence (well, coincidence is not the word, it's planned). The Natasha, Zheng yii, and I planned to meet them on the way back. We just didn't tell Siew thong about it. We allowed her to have a surprise from her very own "hubby".
Isn't that just sweet? hahaha. Okay I guess that's all. For another post, I guess you have to wait. ;D
Signing off,
Michelle The Great
Life itself is a miracle.
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