Homework still remains as one of the biggest thing in my life.
It is because it takes up most of my time in school and at home.
This year is the year of SPM for me.
The homework doubled and I, became totally colourless (lifeless)
When it comes to homework, who do we blame?
We as student, will usually blame the teachers who would just say the exercises or write them on the board as if it's nobody's business.
I do salute some teachers who give tonnes of homework and still mark them with flair.
However, there are some teachers who gives alot of homework and end up stamping or signing their way through the exercise.
That, my dear friends, pisses me off.
Homework should not be given in abundance as our time for relaxing and our time of activity reduces. This not only affects US, but affects our studies. So dear teachers, do think about the concequences.
I don't want to be another mental problem patient, lying on the hospital bed, waiting for treatments.
I plan to be psychologist to help people not to be helped by psychologists themselves.
I plan to be psychologist to help people not to be helped by psychologists themselves.
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