Thursday - 26th March
After the exams, I took some time off to spend with Jeremy ! :DHe passed me some of his different graded but old pencils for me to draw better.
He also passed me a mini painting which I requested for.
Oh oh ! Wanted him to help me paint it because my painting skills suck and coincidently, i found a cute mini canvas !
Such a good friend, aye? <3
We went to pavilion that day to celebrate the end of my semester and his entrance to degree !
We had our usual Pepperlunch (still loving it) and had shots after.
Had 2 shots each and a cocktail, by the end of it, we were what you guys would define as HIGH.
I know right? So teenager-ish but we are teenagers and we are enjoying our eligibility to drink.
Friday - 27th March
Went out the entire day again, shopping of course.
But let's skip the boring part.
At night, I headed down to Raintree Club to drink with my mom and her colleagues.
It's weird but it's called socializing ! ;d
Had 5 glasses of wine out of the 3 bottles they opened while listening to the band playing that night.
Saturday - 28th March
Out of the blue, My friends called out for a movie.
Despite the fact that the Bersih 3.0 rally was going on in the city centre,
It didn't stop us from watching the movie.
We watched Avengers and it was AMAZING.
I loved it so much, there were times that I would be on the edge of my seat and there were times where I would laugh my ass off the seat.
I would rate it 9/10, the one lost to the fact that the ending may be a little predictable?
But other than that, Loved it !
Sunday - 29th March
Well, was a day full of lifelessness.
However, i got my butt off of the couch and went for a hike in Gasing Hill
I started like usual but unlike how I were, I was tired quick.
Probably due to the fact that i hadn't worked out in 2 weeks. D:
Coming out of that hill was a relief ! And of course,
Made me hungry.
Monday - 30th March
Basically shopping again, but this time, it's not window shopping !
Went around The Gardens and Midvalley to shop with Jeremy.
He bought clothes for University from Robinsons and Massimo Dutti whereas I bought a blazer from Bershka.
Here's a picture of it !
Would look much better if i dress it up and took it with a legit camera.
That's it ! :D
Will update again, very soon.
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