Unfortunately, that two weeks of holiday I had was over and studying is here for me all over again.
On top of that, this semester is a short one (2 months).
This actually means that all 3 of the subjects that I signed up for will be intensive.
2 classes and 2 tutorials per week !
All the pain to go through and this is just the 2nd semester ! What about third? ):
My classes were also scheduled to be in the morning at 8 a.m.
I want to sleep one lah.
Here's a picture of my schedule.
Well, over with my rantings.
Recently, my college friends have been complimenting my hair.
In primary school, I used to have short hair but i grew it and kept it long in High school
After Spm, i decided to CHOP it off, hoping that a haircut would signify a new life.
oh how wrong i was. Ridiculous eh?
I suffered a year with a short and BAD hair cut.
I look like a lesbian lah.
Leaving college, my hair was long again.
Ever since then, my college friends have been saying that my hair was nice.
Oh, and let me stress the word COLLEGE.
Feel kinda proud lah despite the fact that I am suffering from massive hair loss.
Not balding yet, no worries. hahaa.
Here's a picture of me last year
And here I am today with longer hair. :D
Oh, and I did cut a little once or twice.
So don't be surprised by the fact that my hair looked like it didn't grow.
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