Well, Exactly last Friday, I have decided to join a public relations team in HELP University (my uni).
So, I'm expected to be busy continuously for 5 months !
What does this team do?
This team publicizes an event called "World Mental Health Day 2012" which is going to be held October.
There are three teams that cooperates to make WMHD a success and those three teams are : Coor, PR, and Design.
So, as I said, I'm in the Public Relations and marketing team which publicises the WMHD.
Although it may seem simple, but the process is highly complicated as publicity will not only include sequential events in the 5 months to spread awareness, but it requires us to maintain the hype for that period of time !
Difficult ah ! But take it as a challenge lor.
What is it about?
Okay, So I am pretty sure that you guys are wondering what World Mental Health Day 2012 is about.
WMHD is a day dedicated to raise public awareness about mental health issues like depression, schizophrenia, bipolar and many more.
Learn the symptoms, causes and treatments. Learn ways to help your friends in need.
I know for some of you, mental illnesses may mean crazy people but these people suffer from mental illnesses not because they want to lah. If you know any of them thenyou'll see that they very kesian one lor.
And oh ! To help, here's two websites that I know helps.
Okay, so basically World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness.
This day is actually supported by the UN and it was actually first celebrated in 1992 initiated by the World Federation for Mental Health.
This day brings the attention to Mental Illnesses and it's effect on people's life all around the world.
Okay, one thing that should be brought into attention is the fact that 12 percent (1 out of 4 people in the world) about of the world's populations is actually suffering from some form of mental illnesses.
According to WHO (2002), 154 million people actually suffers from depression, a kind of mental illnesses that is growing. Diagnosis and treatment would definitely benefit those in need
However, resources in terms of humans and finance are lacking especially in countries with low or middle income. (
That is why, awareness is critical.
Take note of World Mental Health Day.
Mark it in your yearly calendar.
Tell your friends about it.
Spread the awareness.
P/s: I'm not persuading, marketing, selling, or any other sort of publicity. I'm just blogging.
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