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A million imaginary high-fives! |
I have completed the biggest challenge in obtaining a degree and I have several people to thank for it. So here goes.
Thank you Dr. Eugene Tee for always being such an awesome supervisor of mine. Always caring about the progress of my paper and even the balance of my emotional states. Yes, I have teared in your office for a total of two times throughout the entire year, once for finding out that my pilot study has failed extraordinarily and another for the day I handed in my thesis (I sobbed without telling you the reason why). Thank you so much for putting up with all the things that I have thrown at you (including going a tinge bit deranged at times) and believing in my abilities.
As for my friends who have helped me out during troubled times (Gajendran, Alyssa, Brenda, Miu Yinn, Noah) and those who have helped me in the process of producing my papers (Sok Qun, Jun Hao, Victor, Jeremy), thank you. Although you may not be reading this, but I hope you know that I do love you guys. Thank you for getting a mess like me through everything.
Lastly, thank you to all my other friends (you know who you are) for providing me with support whenever I needed it.
Oh oh, I'm also extremely grateful for those who have taken interest in my paper and asked about it more. So flattered!
p/s: if i accidentally left you out (i'm sorry if i did), it's not because you're not special but because this lady has poor memory and DEMANDS you to tell her if she really did leave you out.
Oh you. HAHA. <3
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