I have been seriously lazy this holiday. I would laze around the whole day, spending time watching Tv. I know, I am very lazy. Thinking about my holiday, I haven't been doing anything productive. I sat on the couch whole day or spend time fooling around like a damn monkey XD. Sadly, I am already a couch potato DD: Due to all the sleeping and all the eating, I finally gained some WEIGHT! Cool kan? I know, it is sooo cool (:
As for the weekdays, I woke up quite early everyday. Of course, i wake up early sure got reason lah! If not, you will see me on the bed till afternoon. Buahahaha! The reason I woke up early was because I have to get my ass to school for some photography work, and i'm dead serious here. If my friends and I do not finish our work, and we're dead meat! Yes, I just said, DEAD meat! In the end, our work was not finished, and I'm really expecting teacher to be mad. I know we're in hot soup. So, pray for us folks!
As for the weekends, I spent my time sleeping and watching Tv too. I spent the whole saturday watching Tv and eating junkies (: I got scolded by my mom for eating soo much junkfood ):
Anyhow, I had a great time watching Tv with my so very dear SOFA!
Today, I woke up at twelve and only realize that it's afternoon after I took my bath! Super kan? XD I ate my lunch and started day dreaming. Suddenly, The sight of all my undone homeworks POPPED into my mind. I panicked and scolded myself "stupidladee,homeworkpunbolehforgetbuat,takapalah,buatlaterlah X:"
There's only one thing in my mind now,
Finee lah, I had better stop all my craps and get to work. sooo...
Toodles peps!
Signing off with a serious look,
Michelle Yong want him to be by her side forever and always
Michelle Yong want him to be by her side forever and always
♥ Hiim
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