After doing this tag, please tag 17 people. Oh mai gawd...
1. If you were named based on your traits, habits or likes. What would your name be??
-Erm.... who knows, Tv addict? LOL (:
2.Animal face-off. Who would win in a fight between a bear and a shark??
-Simple~... erm? Shark? XD
3.What traits of your parents are you inheriting?
-Their fondness for camwhoring
4.List the places you wouldn't mind being taken on a Valentine's date.
-Hmmm.... Anywhere, as long as it's not dirty and creepy...
5.Name a bizzare gift you received.
-A refrigerator magnet of a native...TOTALLY WEIRD
6.Name a book you started reading but never finished.
-Woooooo..... Books with boring title, and boring storylines
7.Pick a wild animal to keep as a pet.
-ELEPHANT! woots! on 2nd thought, a tasmanian devil would do just fineee (:
8.Describe your dream boy.
8.Describe your dream boy.
-He should be just like .... [I seriously, don't know~]
I tag :
Mun jack
Mei yu
Chi yan
Su poh
p/s malas ledy laaa (:
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