List 10 things that you like about your holiday and another 10 that you dislike your holiday, after you're done , tag 12 people.
10 things I like about my holidays:
1. Free to use the computer for a long time.
2. Free to laze around
3. Can sleep till noon! [my fav]
4. Can watch movies!
6. Can watch tv whole day
7. Become a pig
8. Can go for swimming!
9. Can fool around
10. lastly, NO STUDYING!
10 things I dislike about my holidays:
1. Too boring
2. I become very VERY restless, yes I mean VERY!
3. Miss hiim larhh
4. No friends ):
5. No life!
6. No classroom boards to be doodled with
7. The feeling of loneliness
8. Not able to see my friends [except there's an outing]
9. Lame, lame,lame,lame,lame
10. Parents are away ):
I'm tagging:
mun jack
siew thong
su poh
wen cai
wen xi
bla... (:
n. the awareness of the smallness of your perspective, by which you couldn’t possibly draw any meaningful conclusions at all, about the world or the past or the complexities of culture, because although your life is an epic and unrepeatable anecdote, it still only has a sample size of one, and may end up being the control for a much wilder experiment happening in the next room.
Words by because come on, it's BEAUTIFUL.
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