I went to midvalley today with around 20 people and spent lots of time there. I enjoyed spending time with my hubby. We went to the arcade and played games. Games like photohunt. I do not know why we're so interested in photo hunting. hah! After playing, we spent time walking around the mall and chatted alot.
After quite some time, we headed to the cinema. When we wanted to enter, we found out that the show we wanted to watch (coming soon) had been cancelled. What a shame! We changed the tickets into Mall cop, but it starts two hours later. We continued walking and played bowling. Bowling was rather fun. I wanted to catch a picture of a couple kissing. Sadly, I caught nothing. boooo hoooo~
At 3.30, we entered the cinema and watched our long waited show. [: (yes,we'vebeenwaitingverylong). The show was hilarious and idiotic. However, it was romantic in a way too. I enjoyed the show alot & I hope he enjoyed it too.
P/s :
I met Chi Yan & Kong Jun in the arcade!
That made my day! We smsed after I left the arcade. [:
Sorry, no pictures.
I am too lazy to upload. THAT'S WHY... (:
Ok lah!
Signing off,
Michelle the great (:
Happy anniversary!
With each passing day, my love towards you grows. I can never forget today & I never will.
I can never forget the way you kissed me and the way you held me. Thank you, my dear Nicholas. I love you forever and ever.
Michelle the great (:
Happy anniversary!
With each passing day, my love towards you grows. I can never forget today & I never will.
I can never forget the way you kissed me and the way you held me. Thank you, my dear Nicholas. I love you forever and ever.
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