• The transcript of everything in my mind

    Skyfall (review)

    Okay, this is a pretty late movie review. 
    Pretty sure you guys have watched it already.
    I watched it i think about 1 week ago?
    But heck, still worth it.

    In this sequel, he (as amazing as ever) was "ressurected"
    He proves his loyalty to M and goes against an enemy that knows the tricks of espionage & pretty skilled at it.

    What I think:
    One word.
    One of the best actions movies this year. 
    It does not only come with the action for those who loves the kick, but it comes with a legit story too.
    it managed to capture my attention all the way!

    The story?
    It is complicated with its ups and downs.
    The fact that it involves so many things makes it more exciting !
    I like the story.
    It doesn't require you to watched the old James bond movie to understand it.
    It gives you an introduction to what happened to Bond in the past movie before the movie actually starts.

    Besides, this time, the movie contained information about the past of James bond.
    It brings a type of sadness into the movie. This inturn, made me respect Bond more.
    Coool !

    One of the cool action scenes on a train !
    and this, is skyfall. James Bond's old home.

    The effects:
    The thing is, I think the explosions in the movies are all real so no bad fire effects or fake stuff.

    The props:
    LOOK AT THAT HOUSE (Skyfall), isn't it beautiful?
    it's in Scotland. D:
    And not to mention, this time, it had an Aston Martin in the movie.

    This car, my friends, they blew it up.

    Daniel Craig?
    His acting is realistic and it got me mesmerized by how well he can act.
    I really thought he was James Bond !

    And as usual, every movie has a hot chick. This time, it's Berenice Malohe.
    The bond girl this time round.
    Beautiful. (:

    And here comes the villain. taaaadaaaa.
    After watching the movie, i oh so wanna slap his face.
    Well, this shows that his acting is good enough to make me angry at him. hahah !

    I rate this movie: 5/5 !

    "This is a brilliant reboot of the canon, mixing a sense of melancholy, the shock of changing times and the darkness of loss with thrillingly staged chase and fight scenes and clever references to all that has come before." - Charlie Mccollum

    photo credits go to google images


    Dan O. said...

    Good review Michelle. Not the most perfect Bond movie to come out in recent time, but still a very good one none the less and one that makes me hype for the next couple of movies they have planned.


    Best Movies Ever

    • Theory of Everything (2014)
    • Cloud Atlas (2012)
    • Forest Gump (1994)
    • Life is Beautiful (1997)
    • Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    The best things that I love and constantly yearn for

    • A functional DSLR
    • A tripod
    • Antique watches and furniture
    • Chocolates
    • Cookies
    • Gerbera & Camellia (flowers)
    • Great watercolor set
    • Little notes from others
    • Mantis Shrimp
    • Tea (seriously, English Breakfast)

    People I admire

    Johann Johannsson
    Wes Anderson
    James Marsh


    Lexicon Corner


    n. the awareness of the smallness of your perspective, by which you couldn’t possibly draw any meaningful conclusions at all, about the world or the past or the complexities of culture, because although your life is an epic and unrepeatable anecdote, it still only has a sample size of one, and may end up being the control for a much wilder experiment happening in the next room.

    Words by http://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/ because come on, it's BEAUTIFUL.

    The person behind this blog

    The person behind this blog

    She is a 21 year-old awkwardly enthusiastic individual who loves the idea of photography and is constantly looking for opportunities to travel around the world.

    She loves lounging the around the house watching TV shows and movies in her pajamas while sipping tea (English breakfast is the way to go).

    If you wish to make her happy, buy her candy, but do not lure her into dark alleys with those. Also, she finds it stupid to refer to herself as a third person.

    Michelle Y.

    Meine Freunde (friends)