Come on, who wouldn't be?
It's Liam Neeson for pete's sake !
The story is actually pretty simple.
It's a sequel to Taken (the first one).
In Taken, Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) saved his daughter from being kidnapped and many people along the way.
In Taken 2, the father of one of the villains in Taken seeks revenge for the murder of his son.
Ze villain ! (Rade Sherbedgia)
As Bryan goes to Istanbul for 3 days of work, he asked his wife and Kim to meet up with him in Istanbul for a holiday.
Then the father of the villain pursued Bryan and his family in Istanbul. Bryan and Kim was captured while in the hands of the capturer, he enlists Kim to help them escape.
Then comes in the action and his special set of abilities to get his family to safety.
What I think:
Like what I would usually say,
A typical action movie
Lots of action scenes with flashing images of him fighting and shooting.
Oh ! not to forget those car chasing scenes
It was interesting that it had the fact that he could calculate and all.
but I wouldn't say it was well made.
It didn't put me at the edge of my seat nor make me wonder much about things.
It just kept me still, and well, tried to entertain me.
I do love the fact that Liam Neeson is badass in the movie though.
The wife. Not bad actually. Pretty hot. D:
But nonetheless, I love Kim (Maggie Grace).
Just so HOT ! and amazing of course. (:
Picture credits to Google Images
Neeson is fine in this lead role, but it sort of is getting to the point now of where he’s a bit too old for roles like this. However, it won’t bother the audience that goes out to see this considering the guy has become a new action-movie icon. Good review Michelle.
Thank You Dan O. for your input. I agree but icons like him will never fall out. (:
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